The Hungarian Trio will present a programme of music from Hungary, Old Vienna and Eastern Europe, at 3pm on Sunday October 1, at Christ Church Constantia. The trio, Gabor Jeney (violin), Nerina von Meyer (flute)and Donat Pellei (double bass) have played together since 1991, when all three were principals in the Cape Town Symphony Orchestra. The programme includes Liszt’s Hungarian Rhapsody No.2, the romantic Dreams, Dreams (Kalman), Rumanian Dances (Bartol), Vienna City of My Dreams (Szyieczynski), and Blue Danube Waltz (Johann Strauss). In the second half, the trio will be joined by pianist Sue Paterson-Jones. They will play Alfred Knumann’s seldom-heard salon orchestra arrangements of the folk music of Hungary, Rumania and Russia. Tickets are R100. Book through Anne Burrough on 082 218 0100 or email Payment can be made at the door (cash or SnapScan) no later than 2.45pm.