Three men, aged between 16 and 29 and believed to live in Steenberg, were arrested as they tried to flee the scene of a robbery at Mano’s Supermarket, in Plumstead, on Saturday January 7.
Police and security, who worked together to apprehend the men, recovered cigarettes and cash to the value of about
R7 000 which had been taken during the robbery.
On the same day, a Renault Clio was stolen in Plumstead but later recovered by a vehicle tracking company and Diep River police. A Lavender Hill man was arrested.
During a crime combating operation on Friday January 6, conducted by officers based at Diep River police station, and which included mall patrols, visible policing and a roadblock, 110 vehicles were stopped, one vehicle was searched and eight fines to the value of R4 000 were issued.
During the first week of January, 20 people were arrested for various offences including business robbery, driving under the influence of alcohol, housebreaking and theft.
Sergeant Amanda Gordon, spokesperson for Diep River police station, advised residents to look out for a man of about 30, who is well spoken and well dressed, and pretends to be a gardener.
She said he asks for access to properties to cut a neighbour’s trees and then robs the owners.
They are also asking people not to leave valuables in their vehicles as it attracts the attention of opportunistic criminals.