Bergvliet High School won the 2020 High School Band Slam at the Waterfront last Friday.
The music competition features performances from 10 Cape Peninsula high schools.
Going head-to-head at the V&A Waterfront’s Amphitheatre this year were Wynberg Boys’ High School, Alexander Sinton Secondary School, Bergvliet High School, Paul Roos Gymnasium, Parel Vallei High School, Bridgetown High School, Wynberg Girls’ High School, Parklands College, Bishops Diocesan
College and Elsies River High School.
Bergvliet High School won a musical consultation and equipment to the value of R20 000.
Bergvliet High principal Stephen Price said it had been an outstanding all-round performance by the music department.
The Wynberg Girls’ High Jazz Band came second. The competition also award-
ed an additional R5000 to the school that achieved the best
crowd participation and support.
Wynberg Girls’ High School won the spirit award for being the loudest supporters of their jazz band on the evening.