Book lovers got to meet some local authors at the Tokai library on Saturday as part of National Book Week, from Monday September 5 to Sunday September 11.
The authors signed and sold copies of their books during the event, which was organised by the Friends of Tokai Library. They included the former TV personality and author of Brutal Legacy, Tracy Going, of Kenilworth; the poet and author of Charlotte, Dr Helen Moffett, of Zeekoevlei; the author of Boiling a Frog Slowly, Cathy Kelly, of Fish Hoek; and talk show host Sara-Jayne Makwala King, of Wynberg, who is the author of Killing Karoline and Mad Bad Love.
Journalist Katherine Graham, of Plumstead, who has written several children’s books, attended the mini book fair with daughter, Hope. Ms Graham has written a biography on the artist, Irma Stern, and her children’s books include Alfonso the Tooth Mouse, The Poofiest Pong, Moonshine, Curry Giants and Baby Babble.
Michael Smorenburg, of Clifton, admits to having an obsession with Cape history and science. He has written a business buyer’s guide, Business Buyer’s Kit, a book on cryptocurrency, In Code We Trust, and several novels, including, Lifegames Corporation and A Trojan Affair.
Shameez Patel Papathanasiou, of Goodwood, launched her debut fantasy novel, The Last Feather, in August.
Tallulah Lucy, of Kenilworth, who has written a new novel, Keyflame, said she enjoyed the process of self publishing a book, from layout and editing to designing the cover.
Sally Partridge, of Durbanville, is an author of young adult fiction novels and short stories including Sea Star Summer and The Girl Who Chased Otters. For her contribution to South African literature, she was named one of the Mail & Guardian’s 200 Young South Africans, a distinction awarded annually to notable South Africans under the age of 35.
She writes on issues affecting youth including love, sexuality, autism, online predators and bullying.
If you missed the event, the authors will be at Fish Hoek library from Thursday September 15 to Sunday September 17. Call 021 400 7101/2 or visit for details.