Capricorn Primary School’s sporting facilities have received a major overhaul thanks to the efforts of the Constantia Rotary Club.
“We were inspired by the examples of Vince van der Bijl at MasiSports and Brad Bing of Sporting Chance. The club found generous donors and first installed sport facilities and life skills coaching projects at Westlake Primary School in March 2022,” said Constantia Rotary member, Geoff Von Klemperer.
“The facility at Capricorn Primary is an improved version as more space and more funds were forthcoming. In addition to an AstroTurf multi-purpose field marked for football, are an AstroTurf sprint track, bituminised running circuit, long jump pit, high jump and shot put facilities.”
An official grand opening and handover function was held on the school’s grounds in Vrygrond on Friday May. 12. Invited guests included deputy mayor, Eddie Andrews; Mayoral committee member for community services and health, Patricia van der Ross; Western Cape Education Department (WCED) Head of Management and Governance, Lynne Primo; Rotary District Governor, Tracey Wilson and Vrygrond Community Development Trust (VCDT) chair, Jonathan Schrire.
Mr Von Klemperer said the function served the second purpose of honouring the legacy of the founder of VCDT, Jonathan Schrire.
“Despite some challenges, Mr Schrire raised large sums of money, got ownership of the land and built the school starting in 2008 and grew it to its present 730 scholar size. In this he was partnered by principal, Siddieka Hassen and her staff, who have created a safe and nurturing environment in an impoverished community,” Mr Von Klemperer said.
According to Ms Hassen, the school was previously owned by VCDT but over three years ago the WCED department started the process of transferring the ownership of the school into their possession.
The day’s ceremony started with the cutting of a ribbon by Constantia Club stalwart, Lloyd Whitfield, and Ms Hassen. A sign dedicating the field to Jonathan Schrire was then unveiled by Ms Wilson. This was followed by moving speeches by four past pupils of the school who gave testament to the excellent foundation the school had given them, and to the fun had playing sports on what was then a dust bowl, and now a multi-purpose sports field.
The ceremony was concluded with congratulations and encouraging words from Ms Wilson and Mr Andrews, a former Springbok who recalled what part sport played in his early life.
A friendly sport challenge between Westlake and Capricorn primaries concluded the day’s festivities.