Teddy fair
The annual Teddy Bear Fair, hosted by the Dutch Reformed Church Constantia and the Cape Teddy Bear Community, will be held at The Range, Spaanschemat River Road, Tokai – close to the Stone Church; between the circle at Tokai Road and Orpen Road and Firgrove Way – on Monday May 2 from 10am to 4pm. Entry is R30 an adult and R10 a child.
Take your family and friends and enjoy the teddy bears and teddy bear competitions, children’s activities and food stalls. For more details email aegenseberger@sybaweb.co.za
The Friends of Lion’s Head and Signal Hill have a morning hike to Woodstock Cave on Saturday April 30, meeting at 8.30am at the end of Tafelberg Road, at Devil’s Peak signboard. Entry is R10. Call Colin Theunissen on 082 484 4600 .
* Peninsula Ramblers have a moderate circular hike in the Silvermine area on Saturday April 30. Call Elizabeth on 079 888 6073
Christ Church Constantia is hosting musicians, Marietjie Pauw, John Rojas, Annamarie Bam, Len Worthington-Smith and Glyn Partridge, as well as Bennie van Eeden – piano lecturer at Stellenbosch University on Sunday May 1, at 3pm.
The cost is R100. To book, call 021 794 5051 between 9am and noon, or email parish@ cchconst.org.za
* On Sunday May 1 there will be a moderate hike in the Kalk Bay mountains, including Boomslang cave. Entry is R20. Call Ian on 084 6244 691 or 021 447 7339 for more information.
* The Trails Club of South Africa is hiking along Silvermine River and up to the crags on Saturday April 30. Entry is R10. Book with Rosemary on 078 425 1880 or alternatively visit www.trailsclub. co.za/hiking.html for more information.
Christ Church Constantia is hosting woodwind musicians, Marietjie Pauw, John Rojas, Annamarie Bam, Len Worthington-Smith and Glyn Partridge, as well as Bennie van Eeden – piano lecturer at Stellenbosch University on Sunday May 1, at 3pm.
The cost is R100. To book, call 021 794 5051 between 9am and noon, or email parish@ cchconst.org.za