Diep River police and the Community Police Forum (CPF) have embarked on a campaign for the 16 Days of Activism for No Violence Against Women and Children.
An imbizo will be held at Westcott Primary School on November 25 for the start of the campaign, from 9am until 2pm.
The purpose is to raise awareness for those suffering from abuse through different forms of domestic violence.
person for Diep River police, says for
community policing to be successful, it is important for resi-
dents to realise and accept that they also have a social and moral obligation to assist and support the SAPS in the fight against
crime, and other forms of social disorder.
With the support and involvement of the community, the police will be in a position to meet the safety and security needs of the country.
Constable Marais says community participation and support in the fight against crime can save lives. Community organisations and development workers have to cooperate with CPFs to mobilise community support in the fight against crime.
This includes:
* Identifying crime hot spots and informing the police about problems;
* Reporting any information on wanted suspects and illegal firearms;
* Visiting schools with the SAPS to speak to pupils and tea-
* Running education and awareness campaigns on the community’s role to fight crime;
* Mobilising civil society organisations to become active members of the CPF;
* Supporting the police in crime prevention initiatives;
* Monitoring police service delivery; and
* Providing possible solutions or alternatives to constantly strengthen partnerships and improve service delivery.
Various structures and role-players working with Diep River Police and the CPF will be represented at the imbizo.
Diep River police and CPF encourage everyone to join them in efforts to reduce crime to zero.
The purpose or function of a CPF is to involve all local stakeholders and key organisations in local policing.
CPF members meet regularly with the officers in charge of the local police station and discuss problems and solutions to crime in their area. Call Constable Zak Marais at 021 710 7314 or 079 894 0105.