Chrysalis Academy in Tokai held its graduation ceremony for 177 young men from across the Western Cape, on Saturday
April 8.
The Chrysalis Academy, set up in 2 000, runs a rigorous three-month youth development programme for people from across the Western Cape who are not in employment, education, or training, have a minimum of Grade 9, no criminal record and who are residents of the Western Cape.
“Our approach to human development is a holistic one whereby we believe that people are more than their physical bodies. We must therefore work at the spiritual, emotional, mental, physical and energetic levels in order to access the power within and release that deep-seated inner potential,” says Chrysalis CEO Lucille Meyer.
Following their graduation, all 177 men started their 12-month work placement opportunities on Monday April 10, with the Department of Community Safety’s various safety partners. These include local municipalities, city improvement districts, SAPS offices, community policing forums, NGOs and at the Chrysalis Academy itself.
“Graduation day for Chrysalis participants is not only a celebration of successfully completing the programme but also a new lease on life through the opportunities they have already taken hold of and those that await after graduation,” says Community Safety MEC, Dan Plato, who handed out certificates to graduates.
Roderick George, a senior instructor with the academy, handed out the Best Student award to Buntu Xinti. “For three months, students were taught and guided, with life lessons, motivated and encouraged by the staff, who in turn got the opportunity to journey with the students. During this time we looked for students who perform consistently and who display good and ethical behaviour, for students who had excelled in all areas of the programme and then allowed the students to vote for the individual they think deserves recognition.”
The student voted by the instructors as their Student of Choice is Qhamani Khewana.
Chrysalis Academy’s Alpha intake takes place on Saturday May 6. Contact them at info@, or 021 712 1023.