It used to be “Let us pray” at Christ Church Constantia – now it’s “Let us spray!”
The church has taken steps to keep members of the congregation safe, in light of Covid-19 (Coronavirus).
Hand sanitiser sprays have been placed at each entrance with the printed request: “Please spray your hands on entering”.
Christ Church is also following the guidelines set out in the special appeal by Archbishop Thabo Makgoba “on issues arising from the spread of coronavirus which are most relevant to parishioners at worship”.
Shaking hands, holding hands and hugging are all no-nos. Sharing “the Peace of the Lord” during services is now observed with head nodding, elbow knocking, meaningful eye contact or expressive hand signals.
Communicants no longer drink from the chalice; they dip the wafer into the wine and then pop it into their mouths.
Collection bags whichusedtobe handed around among the congregation during the offertory hymn are no longer used. Instead, worshippers can now put their offertory money into bowls placed in prominent places around the church.
During his sermon at Christ Church last Sunday, assistant priest, the Reverand Chesnay Franz, recounted all the bad news of the week – the virus, the shock on the stock market, load-shedding and more. But he urged the congregation by saying, “May we always remember that the Grace of God is sufficient.”