Virginia Middleton, Plumstead
In response to Francois Viljoen’s letter (“Unhappy with the councillor,” Bulletin September 15), I would like to back up his comments about Carol Bew’s inefficiency at answering emails from the public in her constituency.
I first wrote to her in 2013 asking if she could make an application to consider speed humps in our area. Twice in the next two years, I followed this up as I had no replies, the last time in September 2015.
Finally Ms Bew forwarded my email to the council, and I did get a response in July 2016 from the City council (apologising for the delay in replying!) that the said road had been inspected and speed humps approved awaiting availability of funds. We are still waiting.
Councillor Carol Bew responds:
Unfortunately ward councillors are not always in a position to meet the demands of residents favourably, which is not always accepted graciously. A service request has to be generated, and there is often a time delay in the communication with the various departments. Requests that are favourably considered, that are compliant with the City’s policies and contain the required criteria then have to go through a budget process and are put out to tender and go before the adjudication board.
All of this is quite time-consuming and budgetary restraints often determine the outcomes or cause a long wait.
For quicker and effective results, residents should use the City’s customer services call centre to log a service request or to query their account (before contacting the ward councillor).
Residents can be active citizens in logging service requests on the City’s service notification system. The City’s electronic reporting system will provide residents with a reference number so they can track the progress of the request that they have logged. Residents can use one of the following options to log notifications:
* Use the mobi site at to report faults, such as potholes, water leaks, electricity failures and illegal dumping, among other service requests.
* SMS 31220 for electricity technical faults and 31373 for water technical faults.
* Phone the contact call centre at 0860103089
* Email
If residents have not had any success with service request within a reasonable time, they must please contact their ward or PR councillor so they can follow up on the resident’s behalf. Residents can find their councillor here:
Here are some other useful numbers:
Accounts and enquiries – 0860 103 089
Alcohol and drug helpline – 0800 435 748
Ambulance – 10177
Cable theft – 0800 222 771
Emergency (from landline) – 107
Emergency (from cellphone) – 021 480 7700
Solid waste – 0860103089
Disaster management – 021 597 5000
Housing – 021 376 1313
South African Police Service – 10111
Metro police and traffic – 0860 765 423
Transport, roads and stormwater 0800 65 64 63
Water and sanitation – 0860103 089 or email: