Ellen Fedele, Plumstead
Could anybody shed some light on an issue regarding witnessing vehicles running red traffic lights?
I reported seeing a taxi run a red light a few months ago, and the city council 24 -hour call centre readily took the details and said they would pass it onto the relevant department.
However, a second case took place recently, where I had the opportunity to take pictures and video of a taxi that had overtaken a queue of us as cars on the left hand side on the Main Road.
It ran the traffic light then stopped literally 20 metres away to pick up people on the side of the road.
The City said it was a police matter so off I went with copies of my photos to my police station.
They said it was the traffic department’s issue to deal with and they couldn’t do anything as they had not witnessed the incident.
I called the City back and they said it was definitely a police matter and I should speak to the station commander.
Admittedly, I gave up after that run-around. Could anybody in authority please give me the final word on what to do (if anything) if you have video/photographs of if you have witnessed and are willing to write an affidavit?
Maxine Bezuidenhout, spokesperson for traffic services, City of Cape Town, responds:
The City of Cape Town’s traffic services do not have investigating powers over these transgressions.
Traffic services can make contact with the registered owners of these vehicles and advise/inform them of driving behaviour reported.
Traffic officials may only act on transgressors when witnessing such action.
SAPS is the only policing entity that can investigate such incidents.
Alternatively, a complaint may be lodged at the Independent Police Investigative Directorate.