A group of Muslim Mitchell’s Plain residents are excited to be hosting jumu’ah (Friday) congregational prayers at Pollsmoor Prison.
They are members of Noorani Assidique Foundation (NASF) “Khitmatun Al Insaaniyah” (serving mankind), who every Thursday after 2pm distribute food from Masjidul Jumu’ah, in Shepherd Way, Westridge.
Last month they were accredited to be spiritual care workers and service providers to the Department of Correctional Services (DCS).
Spiritual care worker Faldelah Mackenzie, from Westgate, said she was drawn to serve prisoners, since she visited the mothers and their babies in Pollsmoor Prison on Eid (Muslim day of celebration) in 2015.
She became a spiritual care worker and came to know that prisoners had to complete a six-week programme, including anger management, family firm foundations and learning the tools to better manage their lives.
Ms Mackenzie realised she could be of more help as a service provider to ensure regular contact and support with the same inmates.
Sheikh Moejahied Levy, from Portland, said they want to tell the community that when people are sentenced to prison, it is not the end.
“There are inmates who are working on themselves. He or she needs to rekindle, rejuvenate and go through a process of restorative justice.
“We need to raise awareness that yes, he or she has erred but they are completing programmes to better themselves,” he said.
The foundation, registered as a non-profit company, envisions serving the community holistically in mind, body and spirit.
They have daily madressa classes for pupils and Tuesday evening adult classes at Sheikh Levy’s home at 20 Winnipeg Close, Portland.
They would like to run a multi-purpose centre, where the community can access information and be referred to institutions for assistance.
For more information about the foundation call Sheikh Levy on 073 278 4819.
The spiritual care expo hosted by the Department of Correctional Services (DCS) will be held at Pollsmoor Prison from Wednesday November 6 to Friday November 8 for groups that run rehabilitation programmes to demonstrate the progress they have made with prisoners over the years.
Representatives from SAPS, the South African National Defence Force (SANDF), Heart lines, National Institute for Crime Prevention and the Reintegration of Offenders (NICRO), Hope Prison Ministries, Hillsong Foundation, World Hope Ministries and the Prison Care Network will attend.
Contact Pollsmoor Prison at 021 700 1111 or call Mr Davids at 021 700 1109 for more