A Spiritual Care Expo will be held at Pollsmoor Prison this November.
The Department of Correctional Services (DCS) will hold the expo from Wednesday November 6 to Friday November 8 and says it will be a chance for groups that run rehabilitation programmes to demonstrate the progress they have made with prisoners over the years.
The department says it offers the programmes as a way of getting prisoners to admit guilt, aim to do better, restore their dignity and prepare them for the outside world.
“You find that some offenders are in denial of what they have done. Because they lied to the judge and said, ‘No I didn’t do it.’ Even after years here, they still don’t want to own up,’’ said Pollsmoor spokesperson, Lewies Davids, at a rehabilitation programme for Pollsmoor offenders on Mandela Day this year (“Pollsmoor prepares offenders for outside world,” Bulletin, July 25).
Western Cape regional commissioner, Delekile Klaas said there was a need for more faith-based groups to work with the Department of Correctional Services.
The expo will include SAPS, the SANDF, Heart lines, Nicro, Hope Prison Ministries, Hillsong Foundation, World Hope Ministries and the Prison Care Network.
Contact Pollsmoor at 021 7001111 or Mr Davids at 021 700 1109 for more information.