The Sunflower Fund, which is based in Westlake, recently announced the launch of a new signature campaign – Sunflower Day on September 16, which replaces their previous national campaign, Bandana Day.
The fund is dedicated to creating awareness, educating the public and handling the registration process for people to join the South African Bone Marrow Registry (SABMR). “It pays for the test cost of people joining the SABMR. This is fundamental to saving the lives of thousands of South Africans each year. The chance of finding a matching donor is 1 in 100 000 – and as ethnic origin plays a significant role in the search for a donor, South Africa’s rainbow nation is at a distinct disadvantage, requiring a large pool of prospective donors,” said Traci Sassenberg, of the Sunflower Fund.
The campaign’s new product is the Tube of Hope – Tope – which will be on sale in August, replacing the much-loved bandanas.
“So, the question The Sunflower Fund faced was what to do with all the bandanas they still had in stock.”
NPO, Dignity Dreams needed fabric, and lots of it, so the fund donated more than 65 000 bandanas to help Dignity Dreams create reusable feminine hygiene products for young girls.
Each Dignity Dream sanitary pack includes one drawstring bag, six washable sanitary pads, three pairs of panties, a Ziplock bag and instruction sheet. The bandanas will be used to make the drawstring bags and pad wings. There will be enough stock to assist the project for three years.
“The bags ensure the girls can carry the product, without anyone knowing and prevents any chance of them being embarrassed,” said Ms Sassenberg. “Dignity Dream makes a huge difference in the day-to-day lives of schoolgirls who would otherwise use unhygienic materials or stay away from school during their menstrual cycle.”
Contact The Sunflower Fund on its toll-free number 0800 12 10 82.