Marja Botha, Constantia
I would like to ask you to make the public aware of how much water is wasted by flushing toilets.
I use the water from my kitchen sink to flush. To flush a toilet takes approximately five litres every time. If one person uses the toilet six times a day, it is 30 litres which is three buckets. This is 900 litres a month.
The total will be 120 litres a day for a family of four that is 12 buckets each day. This comes to 3 600 litres a month regardless of where they use the toilet (home, work, school, public places)
It is unnecessary to flush the toilet every time in public places like shopping centres, gyms etc. Most people are flushing our drinking water down the toilet and don’t care.
It has come to my attention that most people don’t get it that we have a water crisis. It amazes me that there is no campaign teaching the public to be water wise.
There ought to be an educational programme daily on TV.
The water supply to the toilets should be switched off in public places if possible and a cleaning lady could turn it on when flushing becomes necessary. At home there is no need to flush every time. When it is yellow, let it mellow.
People should also report to City of Cape Town when any leaks are showing in roads
or valve boxes are leaking.