Christopher Kleynhans, Kirstenhof
Swim For Change would like to thank every single person who unselfishly committed their time and energy to support the 12-hour continuous swim to raise awareness of mental health, particularly among our youth (“Swimming for a cause”, Bulletin, March 16).
Thank you for all your help in putting an amazing article together to help promote our Mental Health Awareness Challenge.
It was a really big challenge but by the end of the day, I swam 22km and this showed me what I can achieve if I set my mind to it. Before this challenge, the longest distance I swam was 7km. I also learnt that things do not always come easily but with hard work, so much is possible.
We raised R10 045 and are so happy.
Of course, it became very obvious that this challenge would never have been a success without all the support we got from so many and this is a message that I would like to carry forward – we all need support and should never be afraid to ask for it.
Thank you Constantiaberg Bulletin for putting together and publishing a very informative article, which helped greatly to get the message across about the need for mental health awareness among teenagers and to promote the challenge. To Wynberg Boys’ High School for allowing us to make use
of their facilities and for giving us their full backing, thank you.
To all those who made donations, please know that we are blown away by your generosity and are grateful more than we know how to express.
To all the swimmers, spectators and support crew – this was no easy challenge and you rose well above it. In excess of 400km accumulative swimming distance was covered.
You are an amazing inspiration; this challenge would never have been a success without the
support you gave and
this is a message that we would like to shout out –
we all need support and should never be afraid to ask for it.