Anda Ntsodo, Mayoral committee member for community services, City of Cape Town
The Tokai library’s roof and a portion of the structure were damaged due to a big tree that fell on the roof which resulted in the library being closed for safety purposes. An insurance claim has been lodged to repair the damages at an estimated cost of
R250 000.
The library and information services department is compelled to follow financial regulations to procure a contractor in repairing the damages.
This is a lengthy process and we are unable to give timelines at this stage. The library will only reopen when the repairs have been done and the building has been certified as safe.
We will keep the ward councillor (Penny East) and community up to date with progress on the project and the planned date of reopening.
* This letter is the City’s response to Julie Padmore’s letter “Closing of library upset”, which was published last week. Ms Padmore is a committee member of the Friends of Tokai Library.