David Slingsby, Tokai
Many years ago the City of Cape Town established a number of greenbelts, all linked to give great pleasure to horse riders, cyclists, walkers, runners and access to numerous service providers who walk to work.
It was with horror I encountered the total abuse of the greenbelt, the portion known as Sillery Walk, which links to the Silverhurst Trail, bordering on Constantia Main Road.
Construction activity located at 4 Sillery Walk, pushed what is excess soil onto the green belt, and run vehicles up and down the greenbelt, over the pedestrian path alongside Constantia Main Road.
There are also a number of tree stumps dumped nearby, I assume from the site as they are freshly dumped there.
I cannot conceive the City has allowed this activity to proceed. Are the relevant council officials aware of this, and if so, has there been an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)? There is no safety signage as required by law.
Why do we, the people of the valley allow this abuse to take place without retribution?
These beautiful areas are to be guarded jealously from these uncaring developers.
BLOB: Mayoral committee member for community services and health, Dr Zahid Badroodien, responds: The City’s Recreation and Parks Department would like to express our appreciation to the member of the public who raised this issue.
The department is in fact aware of this matter and with regards to the encroachment of construction at 4 Sillery Walk on the greenbelt, a site inspection was conducted and an assessment made of some damages caused to the greenbelt.
The matter is being further investigated by the Recreation and Parks Compliance Officer who will engage with all relevant departments to determine if the required permits are in place, and thereafter process any relevant penalties or corrective action to restore the greenbelt.
In addition, another site inspection has been arranged to engage with the owner during the course of next week.