Rosemary Tsaurai, director St Michael’s Child and Youth Care Centre, Plumstead
In the past few months, we saw the community at large coming to support us after the article in the Constantiaberg Bulletin (“Charity shop to help aid St Michael’s Youth Care Centre,” Bulletin May 6). Some gave donations of food for meals for the girls, some gave clothes for our charity shop and they also bought from the shop. Others, anonymously, sent financial assistance to our account, while others sent a little something to the BackaBuddy fund-raiser to help with the municipal debt.
You may never realise how helpful you have been. We needed help, and the community was there at exactly the right time in the right way. To everyone who stretched out a hand in any way, your act of kindness and service shows how big of a heart you have for the children in our care. Thanks for being such an amazing community.
On Sunday June 6, I got an email from Councillor Elizabeth Brunette saying our municipal debt was going to be written off. I followed up with the municipality and was informed our debt had been fully written off. This was the most amazing news the child and youth care centre needed.
To the municipality of Cape Town, a big thank you for this act of kindness, not just to us but to others who also found themselves in the same situation as us.
Now we can focus on doing other renovations needed to make this a welcoming home to our young girls. With the rainy season here, we need help with the many renovations needed to fix leaks. Please continue to support the home.
We continue to do fund-raising through sales in our charity shop, the food garden and market days. All the funds are used towards sustaining the home, so that we never again find ourselves where we were for the past three years.