Kathy de Smidt, on behalf of St John’s Church property management team
The stained-glass windows at St John’s Church are a striking feature of the stately building that have added beauty and a focus for our worship for well over a century. They hold distinctive historic, artistic and sacred significance and are a treasure worth preserving.
The Meyer of Munich window is still 100% original. In four stunning panels, it depicts the story of Jesus welcoming little ones, while the disciples look on rather disapprovingly. The plaque under this window says: “To the glory of God and in memory of the Revd Thomas Walthew Swift MD, Oxon for nearly 9 years Rector of the Parish who fell asleep on 31st Oct. 1886. This window is dedicated by the children of Wynberg in token of their love for one who always tenderly cared for the lambs of the flock of Jesus Christ.”
The Peace Window above the communion table came from Harrow, England. The five panels tell the story of Jesus.
These and other windows in our church were originally made by skilled craftsmen and intended to last for centuries, but their lifespan has naturally been affected by many factors, including sun, wind and rain and care and maintenance over time.
Some common issues that have arisen in windows over 100 years old are cracked or broken glass, damage to lead strips and sagging of the windows due to structural issues. Restoring these windows should be taken with care and skill.
We need help in meeting the high costs of restoration of our stained-glass windows and buildings. Through fund-raising activities in our 190th anniversary year, we have raised R60 000 and been able to repair some of the roof and gutters of the main church building. Our target for the professional repair of windows and protective grills is R673 104 over the short and medium term. This is daunting and we know we cannot do this without help.
During our market day on Saturday August 31, from 8am to 2pm, architect Laura Milandri will conduct an informative tour of the church’s stained-glass windows, from 11.30am to 12.30pm.
You are welcome to visit, find out more about our stained-glass windows and their significance as well as meet the community, enjoy some refreshments and spend some of the morning with us – we are hoping for spring weather but can’t guarantee that. Contact Martin at 061 071 4851 to book a stall for R100. For more information, contact the office at theoffice@stjohns.org.za or 021 797 8968.