Melita Potgieter, Plumstead
My first concern is that there appears to be a relatively new phenomenon occurring on the Victoria Road approach to the Plumstead bridge into Main Road in the mornings around 7am, where drivers are creating two lanes of traffic, thereby not only encroaching on the bicycle lane but also hampering access from the side roads. There is a lot of cutting in, which in these darker mornings is quite dangerous.
Secondly, please can a traffic-light system be installed at the top of Dick Burton where it insects with Victoria Road. Not only to help with congestion but also to hopefully alleviate the late-night speeding and consequent near and fatal accidents that have occurred there over the ten years I’ve been living in the area. The cemetery wall bears testament to these many accidents.
Mayoral committee member for urban mobility, Rob Quintas responds:
Victoria Road east approach to the Plumstead bridge: The duel queuing during the morning and afternoon peak-hour periods is not a new phenomenon; the traffic has utilised this for many years.
The side-approach roads, east of the bridge, Twine Road and the Victoria Service Road, are to function as a left-in/left-out only, meaning, right-turn movements are banned. Motorists must please use Dalgarth Road to loop under the bridge.
With densification and the greater demand for people to reach better schooling and work opportunities, the traffic queuing has extended over time. The traffic demand on the short section of Main Road, between the Victoria Road and Gabriel Road signalised intersection, is significant and it is difficult to coordinate this demand. This congestion contributes to the queuing on Victoria Road.
We will ask the traffic-signal analysts to assess the timing to see if the synchronisation can be improved.
There is a plan to align Gabriel Road directly to the Victoria / Main Road intersection, which will significantly address this congestion. However, we do not have a timeline on the proposal at this stage.
Victoria Road / Dick Burton Road signal enquiry: We have assessed this intersection for signals and, while this is a feasible project, other intersections across the city require urgent interventions and are higher on the list of prioritised projects. Thus, we are unable provide a timeline for this proposal.
Traffic signals are traffic-management measures and not a means to calm traffic. Traffic signals do not deter speeding, in fact, some drivers accelerate to get through the green-light phase.
Cape Town Traffic Service spokesperson, Kevin Jacobs: The City’s Traffic Service conducts enforcement in this area on an ad hoc basis. However, the service does not have the resources to stand down at this location on an ongoing basis, given the many competing demands across the metropole.
In terms of blocking of the bicycle lane – the majority of this lane has been moved onto the sidewalk. Only the section from the Princess Vlei Road intersection to the foot of the bridge (on Main Road side) is on the roadway.