Athol Swanson, manager Wynberg Improvement District
Following the success of the initial trial of the drug sniffer dogs (“Sniffer dog project launched in Wynberg,” Bulletin, September 28), the Wynberg Improvement District sponsored two follow-up exercises, together with Wynberg police, law enforcement and Metro police officers, in the Wynberg CBD in September.
During the first of these, the sniffer dogs and officers found two packets of dagga on a property in York Road, five tik lollies in Ebor Road and a packet of 20 mandrax tablets hidden in Station Road.
Although the second only found two packets of dagga, in the same York Road property, the presence of the sniffer dogs and patrolling officers dispersed most of the illegal activities in the CBD area and Wynberg police have indicated that there was a significant drop in general crime during this period.
We thank all the officers who have been involved in this sniffer dog trial period as well as all dogs and all handlers for their enthusiasm. See