Caroline Tebbutt, Tokai
Further to the article (“Ire over high roadworks expenditure,” Bulletin October 26), I have the following comments:
Unfortunately some of the comments in my original email to your reporter were taken out of context.
In the last paragraph of the article, it reads, “Ms Tebbutt is surprised that Mr Lombard knows nothing about this project. Ms East had circulated the information to residents via their newsletter.”
It was in response to a specific question (unrelated to Mr Lombard) that I stated that the Tokai Residents’ Association (TRA) knew about the project and that we circulated the information to residents via our (TRA) newsletter.
As the TRA represents only Tokai residents, Mr Lombard would not have received the TRA newsletter because he lives in Bergvliet.
Further to Mr Lombard’s request (end of article), may I suggest that the Bulletin provides a double page map of the non-motorised transport (NMT) routes, which would be most informative for residents in the Bulletin’s readership area.
There must also be a large number of bicycles collecting dust in garages, so why don’t we get those old bikes out and donate them so that others can also make use of the cycle tracks?
Anyone willing to donate a bike please contact Tracy at Sharing our Ubuntu Legacy (SOUL) at 082 071 5183. Residents can also visit the website for more information about SOUL.