Di Longmore, Constantia
Thank you for your informative article on the work done and facilitated by Friends of Constantia Valley Greenbelts (“Collective effort for greenbelt care”, Bulletin November 29).
I am aware of a sign at the dedicated recycling area in the Constantia Village which says “All proceeds of recycled paper and glass go to the Friends of Constantia Valley Greenbelts for maintenance of our riverine cultural landscapes”.
It would be interesting to know how much money our support of this worthwhile recycling project generates, and how the money is utilised by the Friends.
There could be even more support for the project if people have credible reporting to this effect.
It is very environmentally friendly to be able to make only one trip to do both recycling and shopping in the same place.
I look forward to more in-depth articles on this and other matters of interest in future editions of the Bulletin.
* According to the friends group chairman Robert Thorp, recycling has brought in
R115 000, an increase of 51%, from the previous financial year.