John McPetrie, Constantia
There have been significant changes at the Constantia Ratepayers’ and Residents’ Association (CRRA) in recent months. I am writing to alert you to these and to ask for your support – and your patience – as we work to re-establish the standing and impact of the CRRA amongst the residents of our beautiful valley.
I was elected to chair the Constantia Ratepayers’ and Residents’ Association (CRRA) at our monthly exco, in late July.
The new executive committee team members are John McPetrie, Chairperson; Tracey Davies, vice-chair and chair of the land-use sub-committee; Mike McBride, Treasurer; Gordon Chunnett, security, fire protection; Mike Eayrs, marketing and communications; Dr Mike Madden, heritage; Isabelle Franzen, Constantia Village servitude; Neville Frost; Nick Huppert; and Ben Wren.
If you are a member of the CRRA, or if you have been a member in recent years, you will have been frustrated or dismayed at the CRRA’s lack of communication and visibility. Our new executive committee shares your frustration. Better communication with our members will be one of our main priorities.
Whether or not you are a member of the CRRA, you will have noticed the extraordinary amount of development taking place in Constantia. It is this burgeoning development that has motivated the new exco to take over the CRRA.
Beyond the immediate impact of trucks and unsightliness and impact on our infrastructure, it is clear that Constantia is under enormous threat from rampant development and this process of densification will ultimately destroy the unique character of the valley. We plan to use every tool at our disposal to fight densification beyond Constantia’s present legal limitations and the destruction of the peaceful, rural, natural characteristics of this part of Cape Town.
Communication with members is not all that the CRRA has neglected: our finances have been allowed to decline to the point where we will be fighting for our continued existence if we cannot rectify the situation in the next few months.
I will be in touch again soon with details of an event where you can meet your new CRRA exco and hear about the concerns that motivated us to become involved. Meanwhile help us, please, as we seek to rebuild and refocus our efforts to “fight Constantia’s fight”.
To keep our cash flow positive, we need you to maintain your membership by paying your subs and encourage others to join the CRRA.